Project 2-VERY MUCH Work in Progress

Here are my early drawings for the comic project. Haven't gotten too far, especially with the first panel, but I'm getting there. Not a big fan of the pencil tool in Illustrator, a little too finicky, but I will manage.


  1. Hi Mason, this is off to a good start. Just don't lose track of your visual priorities: in panel 1, we have to immediately understand that this is a robber (or some criminal). It can be a stereotypical depiction (with the mask on the eyes, like the mask of Zorro, for example). It should also be clear that he's being chased. Perhaps in the background, down the street, we see the red and blue lights of a police car. In panel 2, maybe the blender's lid is still barely opened (i.e. closing down on the robber). The police in panel 2 should be searching rather than looking puzzled. The "looking puzzled" should happen in panel 3. So, you got a lot of good elements. Just tweak these details, and I think the gag will read better. Cheers!


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