50 "How-to" Ideas for a Comic Strip

  1. How to perform laser hair removal surgery
    1. Laser hair removal surgery, come out completely bald, guy is extremely excited about it
    2. Laser ______ removal surgery, come out as just a pair of legs
  2. How to travel freely
  3. How to install software
  4. How to summon demons
    1. Cultist watches as a demon rises from a summoning circle, takes off his hood to reveal a suit and hands the demon a subpoena, ends on demon bud in a suit stressing out in court
  5. How to make money off of your art
  6. How to survive a plane crash
  7. How to parachute
  8. How to blend into your surroundings
    1. Thief running from the law jumps into a blender and comes out a puddle on the floor, cops/pedestrians walk right over him, puddle smirks
  9. How to prove that aliens exist
  10. How to accrue an army of bees
  11. How to walk your dog
  12. How to perform shakespearean stage play
  13. How to see a shooting star
    1. Hunter at night seen aiming at the sky, next seen bagging a star, kid watching is mystified
  14. How to change your oil
  15. How to do five backflips in a row, trust
  16. How to seal your worst enemy within an empty brick basement
    1. Present the building of a brick wall, guy building wall is successful, reveals to be Cask of Amontillado situation
  17. How to learn self defense
  18. How to socialize at a party
  19. How to lucid dream
  20. How to beat your sleep paralysis hallucinations
  21. How to build a trampoline
  22. How to build a shed
  23. How to reconnect with your old friends
  24. How to rediscover ancient civilizations
  25. How to learn a foreign language
  26. How to brew potions
  27. How to build a PC
  28. How to wash your face
  29. How to fix a broken screen
  30. How to replace a broken window
  31. How to break a window
  32. How to instantly find success
  33. How to survive on an uninhabited island
  34. How to survive a sinking boat
  35. How to mine precious metals and gems
  36. How to fly a plane
  37. How to summon birds with a single whistle
  38. How to find an ancient artifact
  39. How to spiritually bond with a shark
  40. How to reach the bottom of the Mariana Trench
  41. How to gain muscle/mussel
    1. Bodybuilder at the beach, pulls out mussels from sand, flexing with them taped to bodybuilder’s arms
  42. How to make your own clothes
  43. How to travel through time
  44. How to conquer your inner demons
  45. How to win at poker
    1. Somethin somethin flush, somethin somethin toilet
      1. Poker table with towers of chips blocking out the players, hands are revealed to all be toilets, one has a crown, end on the one with a crown being showered in money (dumb)
      2. Standard poker table, all players drop their hands, last player drops a fire poker, revealed to be a smug looking, soot-covered chimney sweep as the table blows up in hype
  46. How to feed your dog
  47. How to brush your teeth
  48. How to solve a crime scene
  49. How to make a comedic 3-panel parody tutorial
  50. How to reach any high shelf


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